The Left Goes Quackers over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson

A&E Capitulates to Intolerant Group and Puts Phil on Indefinite Hiatus

My reaction (the reaction from others follows mine and a liberal, who may actually deserve the label "tolerant," follows theirs):  
How many of you think if Phil Robertson were an atheist and he said similar things just as straight-forward and blunt about conservative Christians that A&E would've suspended him, even with a great Christian backlash?

People complain about the hold on the culture that Christians supposedly have. How about this hold on the culture? Look up the percentages of those who are homosexual, lesbian, transgender, etc. That is some amazing power coming from such a small group.

I could see trying to get him to apologize. I'm sure they could wrangle out of him an apology like, "Look, I'm not going to apologize for being a Christian or for believing the Bible and what it says about today's issues. However, I was insensitive and not gracious in my comments, and for that I sincerely apologize."

Shaking my head, friends.  This is the gateway to persecution in the USA. Label those who believe what the Bible says as bigots, the equivalent of racists, etc. and then begin lowering the boom on those who dare to stand up for what they believe. Eventually, to hold and express those views will become illegal.

Tolerance, right! That's the biggest sham foisted on the American people in a very long time.

I have a mixed record as a political prognosticator, but if my feelings are any gauge, I would say that the "thought police" may do more in uniting the Republican party, Libertarians, the Tea Party, the NRA, etc. than any effort on the Right. If the so-called, self-described "tolerance" crowd keep its up, it just might wake a sleeping giant.

Yet, there are a FEW who are truly tolerant and pluralistic. The rest just claim to be as they are hatefully intolerant and non-pluralistic to conservative Christians. Expect a voice or two to come out in support of Phil Robertson's right to say what he did though the person would disagree with the speech being uttered.

When the Chik-fil-A protests were going on and the supportive counter-effort led by Mike Huckabee, our local Chik-fil-A had two or more liberals who were supportive of gay marriage eating among the supporters on the support day. When asked why, they said that while not agreeing with what Cathy said, they support his right to say it and are against efforts to stifle his free speech.

So, to my liberal friends, I ask, do you support what A&E did and yet you claim to be tolerant and pluralistic or do you admit that you aren't truly those things? Perhaps you number among those who would disagree with A&E's reaction, in which you would be among the few who are truly tolerant. So, what say you?

Some Reactions from Christian Leaders and Political Leaders
(Note: In the past, I have taken issue with a couple of political leaders whose quotes I am posting [and for whom I am providing links] here but this controversy has done much in causing me to re-assess those feelings. I doubt that I am the only one. Typically, I avoid politics and politicians on this blog, but these quotes, I believe, reveal the heart of some individuals that you may wish to see for yourself)

Al Mohler
He was on CNN and definitely the minority there as you can read the disdain on the host's face and then there was the fellow representing the other side. Loosely quoted here, I like that Al Mohler said that if you look at the Scriptures, you find lists of sins. Not one sin highlighted to the exception of others. And Phil Robertson and I, we are in that list of sinners needing Jesus. -- from CNN

Russell Moore
Tonight I took to Twitter to say that A&E’s suspension of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is ridiculous. If the reports are true that the reality TV star’s suspension was due to his stated views on homosexuality then I hardly think silencing him can be called open-minded. In fact, it’s the sort of censorious cultural fundamentalism that is neither “progressive” nor “pluralistic.”

Michael Brown
You knew it would happen sooner or later. An outspoken, wildly popular, conservative Christian who doesn't give a hoot – or in this case, a quack – about political correctness would air his views about homosexuality, and overnight, Hollywood hell would break loose.

Herman Cain
I realize that what Robertson said was pretty explicit, but the viewpoint he expressed is the biblical viewpoint, and he got suspended for expressing that viewpoint. If any liberal fool tries to tell you that Christians are not subject to discrimination in this country, just shake your head and offer to pray for them.

World Magazine
Yesterday, Phil Robertson of the Duck Dynasty clan became the latest media figure shot down over his stance against homosexuality. Duck Dynasty—which chronicles the life of the Robertsons, a Louisiana family who has made it big selling duck calls—recently finished its fourth season on A&E with record-setting audience numbers. More than 11.8 million viewers tuned in to the season opener alone, the highest ratings ever for a cable nonfiction show.

“Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana. The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with. I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views. In fact, I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended," said Jindal in a prepared statement. 

Senator Ted Cruz
Free Speech Matters

The reason that so many Americans love Duck Dynasty is because it represents the America usually ignored or mocked by liberal elites: a family that loves and cares for each other, believes in God, and speaks openly about their faith.

If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. Phil expressed his personal views and his own religious faith; for that, he was suspended from his job. In a free society, anyone is free to disagree with him--but the mainstream media should not behave as the thought police censoring the views with which they disagree.

And, as PC enforcers often forget, tolerance is a two-way street.

From the liberal point of view, someone who may deserve the label tolerant/pluralist:

The ‘Duck Dynasty’ Fiasco Says More About Our Bigotry Than Phil’s

Why is our go-to political strategy for beating our opponents to silence them? Why do we dismiss, rather than engage them?
By Brandon Ambrosino Dec. 19, 2013

Check out this quote from Brandon Ambrosino's article
For the record, I’m undecided on whether or not I think Phil actually is homophobic, although I certainly think his statement was offensive, and not only to the LGBT community. But I also think that if I were to spend a day calling ducks with Phil, I’d probably end up liking him—even in spite of his position on gay men. It’s quite possible to throw one’s political support behind traditional, heterosexual marriage, and yet not be bigoted.


I close with this:  
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13 (NIV)

Keep the faith, my friends.  These are perilous times we live in.  Let's keep speaking out for the persecuted Church around the world and keep our prayer-filled attention on events at home.  Let's not be ashamed of God, His Gospel and His Word, no matter the pressure to conform to the pattern of this world.  Even so, come Lord Jesus! 


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